Family Stories

“Donating autopsy tissue to help other children with cancer is, in fact, a step in the healing process of an unimaginable loss.”

— Dr. Peter Adamson, Pediatric Oncologist, Former Chair, Children’s Oncology Group


Family Donation Stories

When a child’s life ends far too soon, many children and their families choose to take a final stand against cancer by donating brain and spine tissue to empower research. It is through accelerating research that cures will be found and families will no longer experience the devastating loss of a child as a result of brain cancer. We have collected stories of families whose children donated their tissue. They discuss why the decision was right for their family and child, how it has become part of their healing and for older children, how their decision to donate brought meaning to the end of their life.


Forever 13


Forever 2


Forever 15
A Story from Michael’s Mom


Forever 10


Forever 15

Gift from a Child
Is a Swifty Foundation Program

Swifty is a recipient of the GuideStar Gold Seal of Transparency

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