When a child’s life ends too soon, donating tissue is a way for the child and family to take a final stand against cancer. Tissue donation is a contribution that improves outcomes for children with brain cancer that only families can make.

Why Donate?

This brief video of Michael’s donation story explains how both families and researchers can benefit from post-mortem donations.

Donating Benefits Research and Families

Donating this precious tissue can help families suffering the most devastating of losses, the death of a child. Many families find knowing their child will continue to have an impact even after death very comforting. Donating can be a positive first step in their grieving process as solace can be found in helping future children and families.

The Challenge and Complexity of Pediatric Brain Cancer

Brain cancer is the deadliest form of childhood cancer for many reasons. Brain cancer is not a single disease. There are more than a dozen major types and over 100 subtypes. That is why researchers need a critical mass of tissue samples to fully understand the pathology of each type and to better predict how tumors will behave and respond to targeted treatments.

Children are growing and changing, and so are their tumors. In addition, tumors can be different from one spot to another, and different after treatment than at diagnosis. So, when a child dies from cancer, it may not even be the same type of cancer the child had at diagnosis.

To overcome these challenges, we need more information. The more researchers understand and can model the changing biology behind brain tumors, the more doctors will be able to create effective treatment plans. To understand children’s brain cancer better, researchers need to study a child’s tumor at diagnosis, recurrence and unfortunately, after death. Only then will we understand why current treatments work for some children and not others.

Is Donation Right for Our Family?

Families must make many difficult decisions throughout their child’s cancer journey. For those children who don’t survive, there is a decision every family has the right to make. The resources on this website are designed to help families make an informed decision about post-mortem donation.

If you are a family who is considering donation and would like to talk to a family who has walked this path before you, Gift from a Child can match you with a parent or caregiver of a family whose child has donated. This 1 on 1 relationship gives you an opportunity to ask personal questions as you consider the decision to donate. For more information or to be matched with a companion, please click here.

One factor influencing a family’s decision may be their religion. Speaking with your faith community’s leader can be valuable. Donate Life America has compiled a helpful resource highlighting teachings of most of the world’s religions on the topic of organ donation. All major religions in the U.S. support donation as a final act of compassion and generosity.

In the following video, some of our founding families discuss what their child’s donation has meant for them and for their children who donated.